| Página Principal | Recursos |

7.1 - Prepositions

1. My bank is next to the restaurant. (al lado)

2. The bus station is the fire station. (al frente)

3. The library is the movie theather and the barber shop. (entre)

4. The laundromat is the video store. (a la vuelta de la esquina)

5. The laundromat is the clinic. (al lado)

6. The clinic is the laundromat and the gas station. (entre)

7. The clinic and the gas station are the hotel. (al frente)

8. The barber shop is the post office. (a la vuelta de la esquina)

9. The restaurant is the supermarket. (al lado)

10. The school is the supermarket and the hotel. (entre)

11. The school is the laundromat. (al frente)
